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Also fuck anyone who says season 7 was trash, it's absolutely incredible and the perfect pace for a penultimate season

Molly McAllister

"Where did they get the rotten food?" Same place anybody would, the trash. These types of things were Never spontaneous, plenty of prep-time to fetch something gently decomposing in the rubbish pile.


Damn! I can't wait until next Tuesday. Another wonderfully entertaining couple of episodes and another great reaction to encounter. :)

James Sipler

I remember an episode or 2 back you were naming your top 10 GOT characters..... i partially agreed with you, but i feel The Hound and The red haired wildling and Bron are in my top 5. i would argue that this world needs men like Bron and even the Hound in this world. Bad men, capable of bad things that have their own code of ethics. I myself am a bad boy at heart and can respect that type of men. will probably get flamed for this

John Dodo

Well my only complaint about season 7 hasn’t finished out yet. The end of what we just saw and and the next time we see them. But I’ll wait to not spoil it. Let’s see if Mr Boyd spots it.

John Dodo

I like to think there is a booth set up in various locations through the town where they sell bowls of rotting food to the public for event. Like sea world with the buckets of fish fo$15 to feed the dolphins and seals


I have seen other commenters talk about there was a rumor that Tyrion’s mother may have had an affair with a Targaryen. Tywin was hand of one of the Targaryen kings for 20 yrs. All of season 7 and 8 the writers insert scenes that reference back to season 1. Like Arya with Nymeria. Here we have Arya at the gates of Winterfell just as we had 11 yr old Arya at the gates of kings landing with the guards not letting her in. Stannis always corrected people’s grammmar. During the speech when Jon is being nominated for Command, someone says less and Stannis says fewer. Just as Davos does to Jon. They have this all throughout the next two episodes. And we will start to see the same scene as far as location and the number of people in the shot as the same as season 1 also. Dani asking Jon about his pride to save his people. It’s the exact same thing Jon said to Mance Rader. Referring to Bran and Littlefinger, as Bran told Sansa all the visions right now are fragments. It’s like having short clips of something happening but he hasn’t figured out yet how they go together. Chaos is a ladder is what Littlefinger said to Varys in Season 3. Bran needs time to piece together specific people and their history right now. The dagger is dragon bone and Valyrian steel. It’s called the catspaw dagger. When Sam saw in the book about the dragon glass location, the page before that was a picture of the dagger. As Littlefinger told Bran that dagger started the war of the 5 kings. Cat brought it to Ned in kings landing. She took Tyrion prisoner because of the dagger. We know what happened after that. Yesterday I was watching another reactor on season 1 episode 5 when Ned resigned as hand and is packing to leave. Ned had the dagger and was putting it in a box. I never noticed that detail before and that’s the last time we saw it. Most likely Littlefinger made sure to get it after Ned was imprisoned. It’s featured in house of the dragons. Season 7 and 8 are the worst for lighting. A majority of scenes are going to take place in dark castles, at night, in the crypt and in caves. You have to adjust the picture that you are watching this on. Not the screen we see you on. Brightness, color and contrast. Brightness alone will wash it out too much. Use the scene in the cave as a guide you should be able to see their full face, their clothes and very clearly the cave walls and ceiling. If this scene had you saying it’s too dark to see there are a couple epic scenes that are this dark. You won’t want to not be able to see what’s happening. On an adjusted screen what we saw here was the entire ceiling and walls with dragon glass sparkling like gemstones. Absolutely refreshing to watch someone see through Dani as you do. Many people have complaints with season 7 and 8 but I think you are the first reactor that probably will enjoy it a little more than most do.

John Dodo

Second that on the dark scene bit. A whole episode will be shot with minimal lighting so get ready to make some changes to your screen. Don’t understand why they couldn’t update that episode if it was shot digitally. You would think they could just brighten the episode a little considering they had to go back and remove Starbucks cups in a shot after it aired.


Heard the same regarding Tyrion...hence the reason he could touch the dragon and the reason he was "a misshapen little beast"....allegedly Targaryen babies aren't always born normal but I thought that was solely because of the incest. Not sure how it's viewed or spun in the books though.

matt Henning

Unfortunately, this is where the show went to shit. The pacing is wrong . There is no longer any great dialog. It was a race to finish the series. There are many points along the next episodes that I won't ruin here. I think the show finally out ran the support of the books and it shows in the final episodes.


There still is brilliant dialogue, they just cut out the 5 minute monologues that added to character development. We had like 60 episodes of development, the pacing obviously had to change otherwise the story would never end lol


episode 4 battle scene is one of my favorites


Part of why I think he sees through dany is because he’s big into history. So was GRRM. GRRM based a lot of parts of his characters off of real historical people. He knows how to see flaws in leaders from a historical leader prospective which makes him see her flaws and what events may make her more flawed.

Maggie Jordan

So many amazing scenes! The one-shot with Bronn during the battle is just chef’s freaking kiss! Then Drogon taking out the scorpion like “f*** this thing” 😂 I love season 7. Nothing will top season 6 for me, but it’s still great and no other show has even compared to this one. I’m actually afraid that none ever will again.

Mike Wilkins

"its gonna be like watching world war z....but with 5 pairs of sunglasses on"

Riley lovett

the way to think about bran now and why he is so cold, we are our experiences and memories, thats what makes us, he has everyones experiences and memories, so its changed who he is, he is like a blend of everyone in a way