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Molly McAllister

"How old is the oldest child?" Older than the Andals and the First Men. They're basically Fairies.


not sure if you remember, but the boy Jon Snow was going hard on and "training" in episode 1 is the one responsible for killing the woman he loved. also, at the end of episode one, did you see the wildlings faces as Mance started to burn? I think that if things had continued, and Mance had been left screaming in pain as he burned, the wildlings would have had none of it, and turned on everyone there. I think Jon Snow did the only reasonable thing to keep peace and order, as well as to let Mance die with his dignity intact.

Molly McAllister

Opening of S5/E1: And here we see why Cersai could never rule, not because she's a woman, but because she's too petty and narrow-minded for it. Jaime, for all his faults, is spitting straight facts about what's going to happen in the here and now and Cersai is fixating on vengence against one man who's halfway across the planet by now.

Convulsion Gaming

To answer ur questions yes most of the shots from in the north and in westeros is filmed in Scotland and the shots from the streets of kings landing and where khaleesi is at is filmed in Spain. Stannis got north of the wall by sailing to eastwatch by the sea another castle on the wall and went through there and traveled west to castle black. There are 19 castles on the wall only 3 of them are manned castle black eastwatch by the sea and the shadow tower in the west. They also left out an important part from the books when Jamie let's tyrion go he tells him that the first whore that he married wasn't actually a whore at all and that she actually loved him and that their dad made him tell him that so when he goes up there and finds Shae in his father's bed not only was he sleeping with the woman he loved but he is also a hypocrite in the fact that he always hated that tyrion slept with whores and he has been doing it the entire time he is in kings landing. And up until this point tyrions character has pretty much been dead on with the books and from here on out it starts to differ not gonna spoil how I'm looking forward to seeing ur reaction. Also shaes character in the show is significantly better than in the books in the books they don't fall in love she really is just a whore even George rr Martin preferred the way she was shown in the show better.

Molly McAllister

Mance Raider. It wasn't about pride. It may have looked it, but it wasn't. It was about Principle. If Mance bent the knee, the Wildlings (assuming they somehow didn't instantly scatter to the four winds) would be on the hook for whatever whim Stannis would've cooked-up from then on. They would be given life and land, but they would never again be free.

Andrew Clifton

Ok here are the links to the history and lore videos for each season you've watched. Season 1 - https://youtu.be/6uE04nQfO-Q Season 2 - https://youtu.be/k6QE-9_mlAM Season 3 - https://youtu.be/ekkdy0Foa1M Season 4 - https://youtu.be/grk0TQGnWls Each video is about an hour. It explains different historic events in the realm through the perspective of different characters.


It was mentioned many times that there are multiple castles along the wall. Some completely unmanned at this point. I assume Stannis picked one of the unmanned outposts to cross over.


You do like The Hound. This show is full of gray characters with great backstories that made them what they are. Under all of the filth, Clegane does have a line he won't cross.

Andrew Clifton

No problem bro. I feel it's much easier to watch this stuff to get backstory rather than getting snippets in the comments.


Stannis is number one on my aint shit list and we haven't even seen why yet.

Guy from the 80's

He becomes even more likeable in the coming episodes, but we who has seen the show already know that.

Phill Millennial

I remember Jojen's actor, Thomas-Brody, in an interview regarding his character's death. Very humorously, he said something along the lines of; "So, I read the script and it was like.. ooooh. Well. I'm stabbed over and over and over. That's okay though, you know, maybe I'll be saved. Oh. No, my sister doesn't try to save me, she finishes me off. Okay. So then a skeleton turns me over. Okay! So I'm going to be undead now and be on the other side or something - that's cool! No, then I'm burned."