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Guy from the 80's

Tyrian forgot that Shay belongs to the streets.

Stephen ODaniel

I got so mad at her after this scene. Yeah Tyrion was cruel to her as our esteemed reactor said, but he did it only to try to keep her safe. And then she comes for his very life! Savage.


One of my favourite episodes. I remember seeing Peter Dinklage’s performance here in this episode described as “a performance so good that it Peter Dinklage every dwarf role for the next 40 years” and it couldn’t be more true.

Lonna Neil

House Lannister has only one true Lion Tyrian, he has a deeply supressed pain running through his veins, longing for acceptance. It was heart breaking but also a revelation how he expressed his emotions with honesty and fortitude. Peter Dinklage performance pure perfection. ❤

Andrew Clifton

For episode 5 - Two important things. 1. That guy who was trying to take Bran was Locke. He was the one who cut off Jamie's hand and tried to feed Brienne to the bear. When they were in that room letting Reek (Theon) shave Ramsey's face he told them Bran and Rickon were Alive. Lord Bolton sent him to the wall to find them. 2. If you remember Jon Arryn in season 1, he was the hand of the king to Robert and he died causing Ned to go up there amd take the position. He was Lysa Arryn's husband. Catlyn's sister Lysa sent a letter to her and Ned telling them the Lannisters poisoned him. What she was talking to Peter about was how he had her poison him and then te the Starks it was the Lannisters. Meaning that Peter is the one who started the entire conflict between the Starks a d Lannisters setting forth the events of the entire show.

Convulsion Gaming

Absolutely one of the best scenes in the entire series Peter dinklage killed it. Him demanding a trial by combat is just a big FU to his father stripping the most powerful man in the real of any power that he had over this trial, and the stare down at the end was powerful. When it comes to reek/theon Ramsey has been torturing him in all different manners from skinning him alive cutting off his fingers and other parts. He has completely stripped him of his identity and forced a new one on him. Ramsey is completely twisted.

Andrew Clifton

For episode 6 - In Varys defense Cersie and everyone else was in that small council meeting and heard what Tyrion said. There really isn't anything he could do here except play along. I get it seems dumb how he handled the Shae situation but there is no way he could know this would happen. He really did love her and just wanted to get her out before she gets killed. For Tyrion that ending scene was absolutely amazing and one of my absolute favorite acting scenes in anything ever. Award winning performance. For Reek its complete insanity now. Bc of when Ramsey helped him fake escape before then brought him back and tortured him worse he is terrified to leave. In his head Ramsey knows everything and can see everything and escape will only bring more pain. We're just over halfway done with this season and episodes 2 and 6 were mega episodes. In the first 3 seasons we only got those in episode 9. I know you said you were going to do a bonus episode but I hope you still watch the next 2 together as the kinda go together.


Bro bro tell me you like Yara. She just does it for me. Idk why. Her rough and tough leader warrior woman persona is so sexy. Sorry not sorry. No lies here


I don't know enough to say if I like her or not as a character. I don't like her as a woman lol the one that does it for me is Missandei or Rob's wife was nice too.

James Sipler

I hear you brother. Those are the 2 that did it for me.. Shea too, but i especially have a thing for Missandei. The hair, the way she stands, and holds herself... very regal...


Fook Shae. Sorry I've been holding it in for so long lol


that video with shae and george rr martin is adorable.


Now it is time for me to tell you the tale of the love triangle between peter Baelish Catelyn, and her sister, Lysa. Peter Baelish grew up quite poor. He always jokes about that the only thing they had was dirt. His father got lucky and befriended some powerful men in the war of the nine Penny Kings. One of those men was Hoster Tully, and you saw him briefly earlier on in the series with the stones on his eyes. You probably remember his funeral because Edmure his son couldn’t shoot the arrow to light his pyre on fire before it went over the waterfall. Anyway. Hoster agreed to foster Littlefinger. So Littlefinger grew up with the rich kids. He got a taste of how the other half lived. Littlefinger got along better with girls so he never got close with Edmure (who gave him the name Littlefinger as a joke). Littlefinger would frolic in the woods, tell secrets and play kissing games with Catelyn and Lysa. The three were inseparable. He fell in love with Catelyn but she never took him seriously. She saw him as a brother. Lysa fell madly in love with Petyr. They grew up and Catelyn was betrothed to Brandon Stark. Ned’s big brother. Littlefinger was like Sansa, he believed in love and chivalry and that the little guy could beat the big guy if he had love on his side. So he challenged Brandon to a duel. Brandon was known as a “wild wolf”. Kinda had a personality like Robert Baratheon. Of course he beat Petyr easily. Sliced him open from collarbone to groin. He was about to kill him but Catelyn begged for him to stop. Hoster was furious and said Petyr could recover but then he had to leave. As we was recovering ❤️‍🩹 he was on milk of the poppy and who knows what else. Lysa sneaked into his room and gave him her maidenhead. Petyr thought it was Catelyn!!! Petyr woke up thinking that Catelyn truly loved him and gave him her maidenhead as a secret love before she did her duty to marry Brandon Stark. Later on LYSA would sleep with him again. So Petyr thinks he took both sisters maidenheads. And then Petyr left. Lysa became pregnant but her dad made her abort it by drinking a tea. Lysa slowly goes crazy after that abortion and becomes what you see now. Littlefinger’s entire personality is pretty much based around this interaction. He was made to feel small and powerless, and the thing he wanted most (Catelyn) was taken away from him because he didn’t have money, and because he wasn’t going to be Lord paramount of anything. The way he walks and talks is a caricature of a rich person. He is mocking rich people, he hates them. The sigil he chose is a mockingbird after all. All of his plans and desires is so that he can never feel that small again. He knows he was never going to be a swordsman. But he could create chaos, and rule the realm that way. I think he has done well for himself. He ended up on The Small Council . Here is what I think. And it’s not a spoiler. Just my own opinion based on what I’ve seen up to this point. I think SweetRobin is actually Littlefinger’s child. Look at how she loves him. She loves him obsessively. Just like how she loves Petyr.


The director of photography of episode 6 Fabian Wagner, also has done episode 7, and 6 more episodes in later seasons. He has also done 3 episodes in the house of the dragon prequel.


At the 2015 Emmy awards 4 of the 7 nominees for Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series were Game of Thrones episodes. So you could potentially be in for a real visual treat in season 5. One of the nominated episodes was also done by Fabian Wagner.