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Nate D.

And i was just looking for something to watch,thanks

Christopher Wichman

I got the notification for this on my way out the door from work lol. Hell yeah.


calling he a petulant child is a good way to describe her in the tv show they age her up but in the book she 13


the ending of episode 4 is one of my favorite moments of the entire series!! gets me hyped every time!!

Mike MIchelsen

Why is Jon with the Wildlings? The Half-hand was a legend North of The Wall, killed many wildlings. He knew that they were both going to be tortured and killed. That's why he told Jon... “they will (trust you), if you do what needs to be done”. There was a whole conversation in the book, but in the show that was all he said. Makes sense though. He dies either way, and at least, if he makes Jon kill him, it's quick. He dies with honor. And at least one of them will have a chance to get back, and warn everyone that the wildlings are united, and coming South. And if they kill Jon too? And torture him first? Well, Jon Snow doesn't know as much that could hurt The Watch as The Halfhand.


Btw it’s not a secret word. Dracarys just means dragon fire in valerian. They only listen to her because of a deeper magical connection that Targaryen’s have with dragons.

James Sipler

Thats the biggest mystery of this whole series. How did Podrik impress those ladies so much. many men would like to know lol

John Dodo

The soul glow song was priceless 😂

Jake Martin

I always thought it was cool that Tobias Menzies had a role in GoT, I just wish he was used for a bigger part, like Roose Bolton instead of Edmure Tully. Menzies is a force of nature on screen and I don't think he had much chance to shine here. "Black" Jack Randall on Outlander? Perhaps the most terrifying villain I've ever seen brought to life. You'd like that show too I think, Mr. L. Boyd.

John Dodo

This show will continue to blow your mind. At this point there were many new viewers watching weekly. By this shows end the amount of merchandise, watch parties, and bets being made on certain scenarios playing out in the show was absolutely wild. I myself have a collection of game of thrones limited edition wines that I collected. Enjoy the remainder of the show sir!


so much happened over these 2 episodes! crazy progress. hard to believe there are still several seasons. great video. very entertaining. keep up the great work :)

D Montano

Way off topic homie but I know you love Bill Burr and feeling uncomfortable so totally check this out. https://youtu.be/K2083hRNI7M

Jay Owin

Jaffa Kree! Apophis is a false god. A dead false god.

Andrew Clifton

👏 👏 👏 👏 Amazing bro. I remember the first time I saw season 3 episode 4. That was the first time I realized, "This is the greatest show I've ever seen". Also in episode 3 when their moving the chairs. That scene was absolute genius and so well done. Yoy have the exact right POV right now with how you analyze characters. The only thing I will say is don't ever think someone can't redeem themselves. A few can't but not the ones you think (Except Goffery maybe lol). Can't wait for the next. It's so hard to wait a week lol.

CJ Mars

Fun episodes are almost over. Coming up to some hard ones real quick

John Dodo

Game of thrones reaction fans, it’s time for the next episode. 🤗


A little extra lore,(yes I'm watching it again😅) Grey Worm was the first Unsullied to follow Dany's command. Because as he says later, he was always the bravest. That's why the other Unsullied chose him as their leader😀