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Molly McAllister

Tyrion's wound, IS superficial, I'll give you that. It's just a cut. But I don't think the sword's edge going across his face is what made him pass-out. I think the hunk of steel Behind the sword's edge cracking against his skull Knocked him out.


He’s right that in this show the wound is superficial. In the books it is not and they had to continue that story line the way it was written. They didn’t want to disfigure Tyrion for the rest of the show. It would be hours make up to remove his nose and this was before the show had a huge CGI budget.


I’m ready for the next two episodes. Things really pick up!

James Sipler

injuries healed differently before modern science,. a lot more prone to infection and big scars. but Boyd is right about the knocked unconscious part. But again.... you see MMA fighters get knocked out by what seems to be a feather hit, and then stand firm getting hit by haymakers. there's no telling what can happen with any given blow...


Hollywood issue. They didn't want to make Tyrion repulsive to look at. Look at artist depictions of Tyrion from the book. They changed the visual effect of the injury but didn't change the dialog. I wonder if when the script was written the plan was to make him more disfigured but later they changed their mind.


would love for him to read the books after the series is finished.


Childhood injuries Bro! When I was a kid I smashed my face into a coffee table and split my lip in two. still have the scar.

Andrew Clifton

The reason they didn't cut Tyrion's nose off like in the books was bc they didn't want to deal with the prosthetics and makeup that would come along with that. A scar was much easier. That scene with Margery and Goffery and the crossbow was masterful. At the beginning he was ready to torment her much like he has with Sansa but she played right through it with ease. By the end she had him in the palm of her hand. A true master.

James Sipler

She played him like Charlie Daniels played the fiddle. she is a master manipulator, head and shoulders above Little finger when it comes to manipulation. she gets it honestly though, just look at her Grandmother....


Good call on the Tyrian nose thing but I think they still did a good job in general.


Yoooooo I though you was wearing a Gara shirt until about 35 minutes in, then I was like "ohhhhh shiiiiii is that our future pirate king"


Yo the town in skyrim is Riverwood not Riverrun


They chose to make Tyrion look a lot different than the books description anyway. Peter Dinklage is a decent looking man but book Tyrion is disfigured way before the blow. He can hardly walk around without extreme pain. He has one black eye and one blue one. His looks are described very monstrously and he has a ton of health conditions. Show Tyrion is decent looking and healthy. It’s kind of hard to imagine a small slice making him pass out. They really did screw up the severity of the injury on screen. They could have at least made him look like he got a concussion with like a head kick or a fall from a decent height after his face got cut.

CJ Mars

Olenna Tyrell is a boss, straight up Don Corleone level boss. Love her character so much!

Jack S

Any chance the next episodes of GOT drop tonight?

Jack S

Hell ya! Thanks for replying. These two are some of my favorite episodes in the series. You do a great job and cant wait