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Molly McAllister

Stannis Baratheon hasn't 'turned' into anything, he was always like this, it's just that circumstances left it up to interpretation. Stannis is not an honorable man, he is an inflexible legalist and until now that's been interpreted as 'honorable'. He wants the throne because it is *legally* his right, he won't align with Robb Stark in exchange for cutting 'The North' loose (no matter how much sense that would make) because... *Legally*... those lands belong to the Iron Throne. He won't step aside and allow Renly, who was far more charismatic, take up the position of figurehead king while he took the 'real power' of being The Hand because that's not what should happen *Legally* It has, and always will, be about the Law, by the Letter. You'll see this when the story of 'the onion knight' get's fully explained.


Essentially he said they had to fight so Mance would trust Jon. And this was the only way to make it believable.

Mike MIchelsen

Sailing ships were ridiculously flammable, any seam, any leak, and anything you need to waterproof, including the miles of ropes... All covered in tar, or rope soaked in tar, etc. Even in our world, EXTREME care was taken. And open flames were generally not permitted. In combat, it was much easier to set a ship on fire, than punch holes in it. As for the wildfire. Green? Because it looks cool. And it could possibly be a clue to what it is. Like napalm, you would want it to stick to whatever it touches, benzene or even dissolved Styrofoam will give gasoline that thick slimy consistency you need. And make it stick. But you can also use soap... Like borax or boric acid... Which burns bright green. There is actually a historical precedent for this. Greek fire kept the Byzantine Empire untouchable on the sea for many many years. Water only made it burn hotter, it stuck to whatever it touched... And we still don't know the exact formula for that. EDIT: The Byzantines actually had medieval flamethrowers on the front of their fireships. They would boil the Greek fire in giant sealed copper vessels, and pump them to increase the pressure. Add a spout like a firehose, and a flame on the front... Modern tests have shown this method could shoot a stream of flaming over 100 feet.

James Sipler

Boyd "dont eat it right now" made me spit out the water i was drinking. lol. no need to apologize, great line

Mike MIchelsen

"Robert was the true steel. Stannis is pure iron, black and hard and strong, yes, but brittle, the way iron gets. He'll break before he bends. And Renly, that one, he's copper, bright and shiny, pretty to look at but not worth all that much at the end of the day." -Donal Noye

Nate D.

Did this reactor just make the claim that Stannis is NOT the MANNIS? Blasphemy, we all know stannis is the mannis

Andrew Clifton

Episode 9 comment - Wildfire is basically synthetic dragon fire. It is green. Its the stuff that Tyrion told the pyromancer that he would be making for him now. Instead of flinging it off the walls they filled that ship with it and blew it up. Water doesn't put it out. The people jumping in the water will still burn. The reason those sails were burning orange was bc they caught fire just from the heat. The guy that sliced Tyrion was one of Joffery's kings guard, not one of the enemy. Someone told him to kill Tyrion on the battle field. Stannis is willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to get that throne. The Hound is my personal favorite character in this show. His brother, the mountain was the guy at Herrinhall with Tywin. That is who he left Arya with. He was just played by a different actor than in season 1.


Ahhhhh I’m so excited! The next 22 episodes are so good! Cersei is a great villain.


Btw it’s green because George RR Martin thought green fire would be cool.


There is a podcast Neil D Tyson does that covers the science of GOT in the startalk podcast

James Sipler

perfectly said. he remiinds me of my military father. all black and white. no middle ground. no bend or give in him


Also in the books tyrions injury is so much worse. He loses his entire nose. They just didn’t want to portray a person that disfigured for his character.


Last comment. Varys is for the people, always. No matter whose presence or rule it puts him in. He’s very predictable. You may hate him in a story line if it goes against what’s best for the common good but hurts your favorite character.

Andrew Clifton

Episode 10 comment - So in episode 8 the Half Hand told Jon to basically make it worth it and not let those that died trying to find him in vain. He wanted Jon to kill him so he could get in with the Wildlings. The Army of the dead you saw works like this. The ones on the horses that look more like super creatures than zombies are called "White Walkers". They are stronger and harder to kill. The ones walking that look more like regular zombies are called "Whites". The white Walkers are the leaders and the Whites are the soldiers. Yes, everything Danny was seeing in there were visions created by the Warlocks magic to distract her. There is a ton of magic and mythical creatures in this show so sometimes you just have to throw logic out the window and accept it. The lord of light shows people visions in the flames but only they can see. We can't. It's about to reach new levels in this next season. I can't wait.


another very entertaining reaction. I love seeing your take on each of these. please keep up the wonderful work :)


You know the guy who plays Hodor is an EDM DJ.


When I first heard about it, I thought it stood for European Death Metal but I later learned that it actually stands for Electronic Dance Music. It's basically techno.