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Nate D.

can anyone recommend if I should watch the series first or if having played the game first has improved your experience with the first episode? I know itll become more obvious later on but idk what to do, i loved the first episode

Michael Sweeten

Tess was definitely a character in the game. Also I noticed some scenes that are copied from the game are word for word same dialogue as the game which is cool.

Andrew Clifton

Awesome. I was waiting to see if anyone was going to react to this before I watched it. Gonna get into this tomorrow.

James Sipler

WOOHOO. was planning on watching this when i get off work in the morning. I am kind of lucky, i work midnights from home as a truck dispatcher, and get to stay up all night watching Mrlboyd movies and shows.

Steve Kozlowski

I just watched this. I was really impressed and liked a lot more than I thought I would. I'll definitely check out your reaction tomorrow. I'm assuming there will be some sort of update with your situation, which I'm also interested to hear. Hope things are looking up my friend!

James Sipler

Hmmm, just started this episode someone please correct me if I'm wrong but iisnt the father also in GoT? dont want to give spoilers, but isnt he a guy from Dorn? i dont think he has appeared yet as far as Mrlboyds progress... but i think its the same guy. Hard to say much more without giving away spoilers...

Andrew Clifton

Yea don't say too much about that. Don't need any spoilers lol. But yes he does appear in GOT at some point. He isn't to that point yet.

Guy from the 80's

I watched it myself today. Looks like it’s going to be great.

John Dodo

I’m an ex gamer and honestly never played this game and that’s probably because I was over the zombie genre even before the walking dead series (thank you game of thrones for being there) But this show looks like it has potential. Not the biggest fan of the main actor but will always watch a good told story. Lets just see where this goes.

Guy from the 80's

I’m a pc gamer and bought a PS3 just to play it. It’s one of the greatest games ever made. I sold the PS3 after I had completed the game.