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Molly McAllister

The AI thing, nah, never happen. It's gonna be cryptocurency/NFT nonsense all over again, they'll push it harder this time, but it's already coming apart. Friend of mine who's in industry was relaying a story of the art-director on new production where the studio fired all the artists and hired 'AI Prompt Generators' instead. These guys get IT standard rates. AD: "Okay, we need this for a background for this scene." 'Prompt Engineers': *Generate HUNDREDS of images* AD: *after spending many billable hours sorting through everything* "Okay, this one looks pretty good, just needs some minor tweaks here and there." PEs: *Generate Hundreds More COMPLETELY different images* AD: "What the hell guys? I asked for just a few minor changes." PEs: "The software doesn't work that way." AD: "The software.... Photoshop works that way." PEs: "What's Photoshop?"


This was the episode that I realized Maximus isn't coming off odd because he's hiding some inner darkness, he's just *really* dumb. 😂 It works for how they've set him and Lucy up as a couple. She's a bit smarter but very naive, and he's more practical. I can't speak for men or country music, but I do think human beings have a need to be close to nature. I feel bad for people who've lived in the city their whole lives.


Yeah, regulation is gonna come down on AI sooner rather than later, since all it's doing is regurgitating already existing copyrighted content. I have enough faith in humanity to believe we aren't interested in AI content. The whole point of art is being able to connect with it.