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Molly McAllister

Good on you admitting there is a gap in your perspective here. And good on you never having messed with that stuff and all you and yours having avoided messing with that stuff, it's really super nasty. I haven't personally experienced it myself, but I have paid attention, coming from a rural background where Amphetamines and Opiates are not unheard of. Once that dependency sets in, it's a whole other level. Human beings are not as sentient as they like to believe, the mind isn't it's own thing divorced from the body, the chemical soup your brain sits in influences you in ways you're not fully consciously aware of... and when you introduce psychoactives to the mix, it can sound like a great idea at the time but the consequences...? While under addiction and without successful treatment, refusing that next hit is nothing like, "Oh, I'll just not have this beer, I'm driving." It's more like.... You've been two weeks without food, here's a sandwich. But don't eat it, your child will die. You've been two days out in the desert, here's a pitcher of water. But don't drink it, your child will die. Don't *BREATHE*, your child will die. It is literally re-wiring the survival centers of your brain telling you what is necessary for sustaining your existence. Someone I used to know got really down bad with alcohol. Not 'tipsy on the weekend' with alcohol, i'm talking over twenty bottles of vodka a week bad. I'm talking kept a puke-jar next to their desk so they wouldn't have to get-up bad. They finally realized there was a problem, they had re-wired their own brain to perceive Booze as Food. That's what was feeding their brain, not Glucose, Ethanol. So, they tried quitting, cold-turkey. The thought they were such a big man they could tough it out. They now have a permanent blind-spot in their field of vision, their eyes are perfectly healthy it's just that the part of their brain that would process information from those receptors is now corpsified and gross. A legitimate medical doctor told them, "You need to drink More, or you will Die." They finally managed to gently wean themselves off the stuff, but yeah... chemical dependency can get Wild.


Of course Wendy's culpable for what she did, but that doesn't mean her motivation was to kill her child or that she's an evil person. The lack of empathy is a little concerning. 😅 Addiction is a sickness and human beings aren't black and white. It's a bit like telling depressed people to just stop being depressed. it doesn't work that way.