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Lisa Borth

I think he was still there for the kid - still loved her and wanted to spend time with her, while avoiding his ex who in his mind could have prevented a lot of pain. We had that one scene where the daughter seems to ask after the recent divorce if the mom will leave her as well - and she makes sure to point out that he didn't leave the daughter and that she'd be going to spend time with him soon. I think it's a bit wrong/selfish as well to knowingly bring a child into the world that will die early. It's especially wrong that she didn't tell him so he could make an informed decision himself, since even though he loves his daughter - he thinks it would've been better to not conceive said child and go through that pain (or maybe even see the child go through any potential suffering as they passed).

Matthew Langley

So I think her choosing to still have that child that was doomed to die young was actually extremely selfless. The child gets to live and she only knows the full life she has, she doesn't know what she's missing, she got enjoyment while she lived. While the mother and father have to live the rest of their lives with that sadness and memory of her gone and what could have been. I instead think choosing to not have that child is the selfish choice, to protect yourself instead of sacrificing your own piece of mind to give this child the life it could have to it's fullest, whatever that may be.

Matthew Langley

Also I'm a little disappointed at the end you didn't give your take on what you thought of the movie, outside the teal and orange.