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Susan B

Movie suggestion: Free Solo, the Oscar winning documentary about the young man who free-climbed El Capitan in Yosemite Nat’l Park. Stunning achievement. His name is Alex Honnold. The final 25 minutes of Free Solo manage to be scary even though we know the ending. Friends of his filmed the climb and one of them couldn’t stand to watch. Also there’s a guy in a unicorn costume sleeping on a ledge because reasons.

David Nettles

I don’t mean to undermine what you said, everything you said I absolutely agree with (old Ben conversation), but I also think there’s another, much more simple explanation. It’s the same reason we don’t do it today. The citizens outnumber Washington millions of times over. Way more of a numbers advantage than any plantation ever had. But we don’t because we fear repercussions. Yes, they saw white men as supremely powerful, as you say, but they didn’t really need to. All they needed was the knowledge that while Ben could cut Candy Sr’s throat, he and everyone related to him would be killed. They needed to overthrow the plantation and we need to replace Washington. But in each case we’re too scared. And rightfully so