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It looks like there's nothing I can do to please her majesty! XD



Danny Provencio

Oh stop, she loves you. Just in a different way. What a sexy one today. Thank you.

Alex Osborn

I love how you draw - *ahem* - "packages" in underwear. I love your style altogether 😍

Alex Osborn

Also it's awesome and appreciate that you take the time to reply to people... thank you! ☺

Andrew King

Lol. When are cats not hard to please. Unless you give them catnip!


Thank you, Andrew. You have a valid point there. 😆


Oh, Song, my sweetyheart, 🎵 "just keep swimming"!🎵


Aww no Leeloo


I didn't know actual meaning of cat' lick😳😳😸

Joseph Wong

hhhhh, That's so real. Maybe try neck next time. :)


Thank you. It works better if I caress her neck and she can't lick me. 😆

Joseph Wong

Aww, cats are BAEs. But it is true they do have preference. ;)

Wiliam Kibler

licking by cats is a sign of affection