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Joe hates it when I mess with his cooking. 😑




I, too, dislike when someone comes in and tampers with my cooking. Tamper after it's on your plate, please.

Bill emsick

I would hate it too, you want it different, you make it but leave my dishes alone

Juliet Belcouleur

Je comprends tout à fait le sentiment.


Lol I guess no cook in the kitchen wants input until they’re already at the dinner table 😅

Tim Clements-Levin

I'm afraid I'm with Joe on this one. I always say 'TASTE IT FIRST!" to taste the FLAVOUR before you put heat on it. When you're fighting all that heat, you're really not tasting the effort in the creation of the dish.

Sam A Milazzo

LOOKS Delicious as well, wish I could smell it too! "DON'T SPOIL IT!!!" Glad the cooking is appreciated and the meal is highly enjoyed!