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Joe thinks she looks kind of terrible. I actually think her look is OK but very plastic.

If you have been following me for a while, you must know that I'm pretty heartless when it comes to rich and famous people's tragedy. Whether it's a divorce or a death, I don't care. There are people dying on the streets everyday and we are guilted to be sympathetic to a filthy rich white girl's lost jewellery? Come on.

Anyone or any celebrity who says you shouldn't make fun of Kim Kardashian's Robbery is a bully.

To go one step further, I would say I wish she lost more of her fortune. She is worth of 53 millions and she chose a luxury hotel with no proper security? I mean, this is a big joke that everyone should laugh about.

By the way, Joe really doesn't know who Kim Kardashian is. XD




In France this news is a headline of the most part of the media. Boring!

S Munson

I could not agree with you more. Unfortunately brains don't come with all of that cash. In her case she loses brain cells for every million that she has or makes. Ha! Joe ain't missing much by not really knowing who she is.


I'm nit a fan of her but was sorry she was robbed. She should'nt have advertised her Jewellery on Instagram.