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Apparently my friend Bryan's Valentine's Day is more like Sophie's choice. XD



William Deutsch

We all should have this problem, at least once 😏😏 Happy Valentine’s Day XD ❤️❤️

Pepo Martínez Rojo

He should take them all for dinner and bed night at a time and make a poli core :P

Trevor Napoleon

Someone’s pecs have clearly gotten bigger. They’re really stretching out that shirt. 😏🤤😍

Sam A Milazzo

Somehow I'm getting a "Sailor Moon" vibe from this ... maybe it's from recently seeing the episodes where Minako was two-timing the Dead Moon Circus Tigers Eye and Crows/Ravens Eye. He has three guys to choose from ... Triple-Timing?! ... and I don't have a single one. Though I am working on improving myself, so that's okay.

Benjamin Rippel

Dating can be a tough sport, but yes, I also probably would have reacted with 😒


That’s my annoyed look when valentines day comes in general. Along again…. Oh well.