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I'm really trying to get both of us to stop the mindless scrolling on our phones before we go to sleep. XD




Im glad you and joe are in a better place now but what happened to your solo trip comics


Will we some great sex anytime soon?

David Proby

Actually cooking spaghetti with red wine isn’t too far fetched. My great grandmother used to do it and is a reason among many, my grandmother swears up and down to my dad as to why she opposes having wine in food even though the alcohol will burn away, and what’s left is the flavor (my dad’s a culinary chef) 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

William Deutsch

Interesting culinary ingredients 🤔🤔

Jayson Matias

I agree. It’s still your decision to show us, of course. But we’re just curious is all.

Sam A Milazzo

Marvelous! Lovely! Delicious! Yeah I also try to avoid scrolling through my phone, or going on my computer a few hours before bed, to better maintain going to bed early. But my "YouTube scrolling" lately was bottle-feeding baby kittens ... because I felt like it! Always a pleasure to see you and Joe together in the comics! I hope to see what happens next in the "Journey" (away) story ...