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They say never go to bed angry, well... 😤



Jose Morales

:( I hate when this happens


Hug. Those nights are hard.


This comic expresses emotion so well. I wish I could hug the both of you and help you make up.


This is heart breaking!!! Sending hugs!

Tammy Dasti Fisher

It's awful to fight with the person we love, and lots of times in the heat of the moment it's easy to say things that deliberately hurt, even though you don't really mean it. Just try to remember why you and Joe love each other and then try to talk about it calmly. **HUGS** (Every couple goes through stuff like this. It'll be ok!)

Adam Lunter

Dude, Joe’s kinda been moody lately. What’s his problem? Hang in there guys. You’ll e eventually be on the other side of the storm.

Tammy Dasti Fisher

It could Corona and lock down getting on his nerves. That's probably happened to a lot of people.


Don’t do that! It the side I don’t want see emotion sometimes. I regretted not admitting times I was in the wrong. Talk it out. 😕


Well done on the silent discomfort and sadness that exists between two people who love each other who are in the middle of an argument. On an unrelated note, the enormous arc and weight of Joe's powerful chest in the first image is seared into my picture memory.

Sam A Milazzo

Silent Night, but Nothing is Calm and nothing is bright. Sorry about the argument ... don't know if it's true or an old story, but I hope you two can sort it out and work through it, then forgive and forget. This page feels so HEAVY, it can feel it. You have my sympathy.