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This happens to my babe all the time. XD




Inside out, and backwards, it seems! LOL

Tammy Dasti Fisher

My Grandmother always said if you put a shirt on inside out and then take it off, fix it and put it on again the right way, it's very bad luck. (Sicilians are superstitious as all get out.) I always got around it by taking off the shirt, telling myself I didn't really want to wear that one anyway and putting on something else!! 😂😂😂😂


I feel his pain. Happens to me all the time 😂🤣😁

Jorge Suarez

It's nice Joe has you. By the way what happened to your white hair?

Dominik R.

Ich hab gehört Menschen mit dieser Eigenschaft wären gute Liebhaber 👌...


I mean it’s covid, who cares? Lol

Sam A Milazzo

"And here I thought it was the latest trendy fashion in mens shirt design ... "