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It's just another form of a handshake between lovers.

Since I mostly work at home, I don't feel the impact of the coronavirus. At Joe's workplace, it's different, and he told me that everyone will get a little bit weird and joke about it if someone coughs in the office.

At the point, I don't know if the media are helping to raise the awareness of the virus, or they are helping to spread the paranoia.

In the comments on my social media, I can see that a lot of people are zen and chilled (like me), but there are also a few who are freaking out. Joe's parents are freaking out, but I can understand. They are older people and have a weaker immune system. But most of the people freaking out in the comments are not even the crowd at the most risk. If you are a healthy teenager, the chance of you getting the virus and dying is next to impossible. So why panic?




I know you do... XD XD but don't do it with cold hands LOL

Khrix Oz

Looks funny 👀

Danny Moran

I’m really enjoying your transformation

David Proby

Love doin that handshake, especially in my mind when I got super stressed at work during Black Friday. Helps me keep calm and probably horny at work😜😎🤷🏿‍♂️

Adam Lunter

Love conquers all 😂

Danny Provencio

So cute. Agreed, the media are having a field day with this news. Too many people are panicking about it. Wash your hands turn off news for awhile.


Them pecs in that shirt!

Stefen C

I look at news only at certain times for a long time now. They are always late or programmed to announce big horrible things (most of the time news are always posting something not good to hear anyways) when it is already happening like this coronavirus or as I like to call this virus, the “C-virus”. For anyone who is wondering why, look at the similarities in RE6 to whats happing now and you will notice very easily. Just like the others here, just make sure to washing hands, and to moisturize them regularly, and to stay healthy. Meaning to never intake bullcrap like diet drinks, Pepsi, and food that is unwise to eat which causes such symptoms to arise which also allows the C-virus to flourish. DO YOUR RESEARCH. ☺️ Thankfully I’m in Texas and it hasn’t hit our state yet and I hope it doesn’t 👀👀😣.

Tammy Dasti Fisher

My old boss (who's now in another department) said once: "Good news doesn't sell papers" and he's right. It's the terrible, scary headlines that people click on, and it's the horrible things they pay attention to.

Stefen C

It’s quite Dissapointing but I’m not suprised. This isn’t a paradise of a world. Which is why while it can be beautiful sometimes, IMO there is so much negative in the world and in a nutshell, humans killing other humans is why for these reasons as an example, the whole notion of having a family and being a “father” to bringing a person that didn’t asked to be here but by my will is what I won’t sign up for, knowing well that IMO this world isn’t worth bringing a soul here.