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Our friend Hélène asked us to write a nice message on a postcard and send it to her daughter Jeanne who studies in Paris.

Hélène is one dear friend to us, so we feel the responsibility to give Jeanne some useful advice.

Jeanne is currently studying in a nice school in Paris, but she's not passionate about her major, and for several times, she expressed the frustration towards her future career. (By "frustration", I mean she literally cried in front of us talking about her current/future job).

And it's not as easy as it seems to give good advice to a young woman. If it was up to me, I would honestly tell her to hassle for ten years, until she finds her passion and learns to make a living with it. However, her parents clearly want her to play it safe, finish the study and get a stable job. So we ended up writing her something generic like "keep going, you're doing great..."

That's why I think there's an important lesson to be told here, that is: sometimes you have to trust your own judgement and don't take the advice from your loved ones (family or friends), cause very often they might love you too much to give you the good advice.




That is 100% true! Trust your guts!


I recently had to follow the advise you mentioned. Lead me to what I love to do. But took me flunking out of 2 schools to realise it lol

David Proby

So true! I mean I was and still am in a similar situation to your friend’s daughter. I still have a desire to finish school and be the first in my family to be a full veterinarian, but what’s been holding me back is money to pay for school. But one of my customers told me, that I’m still young and I’ll get to where I’m going in time. Just takes some patience and dedication, at least I have my parents, my future husband and our family and friends for support 😁😁


Thank you, Greg, I do believe this. I went through the same thing.


Yeah this thing takes time, but it seems you are on the right path now, that's what really counts: do what make you happy and make a living out of it.


If you still have the desire to finish school and be the first veterinarian in your family, you should do it, but do it for your own happiness, don't do it for others, cause you don't want to be stuck in a job that you are not passionate about for the next 20 years, which will eventually lead you to resent your family who pushed you to make that decision. You have time, it's your biggest asset, and you have the love and support of your family and friends, it's very valuable, not everyone has that.


I agree! I think providing honest advice helps! The youth of today need to be told there isn’t always a golden straight path to happiness, there will be bumps along the way but it’s the choices and decisions you make that will steer you in the right direction and in doing that you also need the advice and support from family and friends! It took me until I was 22 to figure that out career wise! 😊

Danny Provencio

When you have a goal it’s so much easier to focus. Frankly, nothing wrong with sex exploration either. Woof!

Taro Bantom

Very well said Kollo! Stepping into college I can totally relate to this!

Angie Kahler

Stay away from a job you'd hate! If it means more school so be it. I can't imagine waking up every morning and dreading the day ahead. That is no way to live!

Amanda Lee

I was working in a field I hate for almost 10 years. Different companies but similar roles. I recently make a career change with less pay and realized I'm much happier. Ok, the less pay part do sucks a bit.