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Usually we kept our cars in the underground parking lot of our building. However, yesterday Joe was feeling tired and a little lazy, and there happened to be one free parking space two steps from our apartment right down the street, so he parked the car there. And unfortunately, on the same night, someone broke the car window and got into Joe's car and took everything. 

The parking space was kind of isolated and nobody heard anything at night. Only the morning after, Joe found out about the theft. The window was busted, and there's broken glass on the sidewalk so it was pretty obvious. On the spot he got to talked with one girl and an old lady who lives nearby. They also got their stuff stolen from their cars quite recently, it all happened on this street. Clearly the thief/thieves are targeting our area.

The car and the stolen laptop were all the propriety of Joe's company, it has assurance, and Joe only uses it as an employee, so everything is covered. Besides, he immediately contacted the police and the insurance company. Everything seems fine until he found out the spa membership card... it's a chargeable card which still has 100 euros left on it... guess my babe won't be going to the spa anytime soon...




Poor Joe!

David Proby

Similar thing happened to my dad and ex-stepmom some years back. Both cars were broken into; only things stolen were my dads Oakley sunglasses cost $250 and a Garmin nav system we had before having my dads truck with Sync tech with a built in nav system.


Awful! Why can’t people just respect other people’s things. Is the membership card traceable by the Spa or can be blocked / replaced - that said thieves will probably sell it on. It’s not a nice feeling when this happens and leaves you feeling violated so I can understand Joes angst. 😔


Thank you very much, Pete. The next time we go to the spa, we will definitely ask about replacing the card. Hopefully he can get it back.


🤞took me a while to get over being robbed years ago. A lesson for me was finding the sneaky thieves couldn’t be traced as the Police see this theft all the time so I just took steps to prevent it happening again. Though I’m sure the presence of the dark knight would have ensured my expensive bike wasn’t stolen 😊.

Amanda Lee

Joe looks extra hot in a suit. But sorry to hear about the break in.


Awww poor big guy

David Lee

Absolute scum. Glad no one was hurt at least and all the stuff was insured, well apart from the spa card! I hope they catch those douchebags.

Rood Inverse

My sympathies. My mother suffered a car break-in, years ago. Even now, she is extremely careful about emptying the car whenever she leaves.


Sorry to hear that.... Poor joe

Tammy Dasti Fisher

So sorry that happened. Can you call the spa (or go there) and explain it? Maybe they can put a stop on the old card and put your 100 Euros on a new one? I'm sure this isn't the first time this has happened.


Quelle rue de Nantes est ce ? Comme ça je n y garerai pas ma voiture.

Adam Lunter