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Joe's friends Joy and François are gonna spend the weekend with us at our place. But our clean and tidy apartment is just an illusion. If they came a few hours earlier, they would've discovered how untidy and unorganised we actually are. (Especially my babe)




This is so me xD


I have the same problem but I live alone 😅

Miguel Gómez Valente

Well, if it was a hook up (when you were single) it would take much less time to clean the house :p (just joking 🙃 there’s that joke that says nothing cleans a house faster than a man who’s about to get laid 😂)

Danny Provencio

So cute and so me too. As a friend asked Years ago. That I liked a clean apartment but prefer not to keep it that way myself. Lol. Am such a princess.

Eric Closs

Bahahahaha 🇨🇦🥰🇨🇦🥰🇨🇦🥰

William Deutsch

Exactly, I’m the same way, it’s nice knowing that others do the same. The closets are good for hiding a mess 👍🏼👍🏼🤓

Amanda Lee

Lol. Same. I only clean when my in-laws is coming.

Tim Clements-Levin

We go half & half. Half the apartment is very neat and clean and the other half is VERY "lived in"!


on est vraiment tous pareil !!!

Sébastien Godier

Ce n'est pas faux. Il faut savoir s'organiser, juste déranger ce qu'on a besoin

Rood Inverse

The quickest way to clean: hide EVERYTHING


One world, we’re the same😏


The only way we motivate ourselves to do deep cleaning is to invite people over.


I have a cleaning disorder! Happy to share 😂

Tammy Dasti Fisher

I think every couple does this! 🤣🤣🤣