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Joe always thinks I move and hide his stuff in the apartment. But the truth is most of the time he can't find it even if I tell him the exact location of the object he's been seeking. XD




He doesn't have to be good at seeking he found the ultimate prize, a relationship with you.


I’m the same way😂😂❤️

Kathryn Gynn

Yes! You know, every time you post a comic I relate so much with Joe XD So relatable and wonderfully drawn!


Thank you very much, Richard. That's so sweet of you. 😆


Poor Joe. Don't hide his stuff. XD


I can understand. Sometimes I feel he has a problem with his sight, because the object is so obviously there in front of him.

Wil Chaney

Paul and I deal with this occasionally. I can be very succinct in my instructions, perhaps too much so.


Lol the problem is definitely joe, not me. I also give precise instructions of where to find the object. 😘

Sébastien Godier

Ça montre que Joe ne peut rien faire sans toi et que tu lui es indispensable. C'est beau l'amour. Aujourd'hui, c'est nos 3 ans de mariage. Ça passe tellement vite que j'ai l'impression que c'était encore hier

Sébastien Godier

Autre chose, l'amour rend aveugle et Joe ne voit que toi et rien d'autre


J'ai l'impression de me voir avec ma mère mdr


It happens the same with my boyfriend xD, I know were are my things and his, and he always think that move them :/


Merci beaucoup, Seb. J'aime bien ta façon de voir les choses. Et joyeux anniversaire de 3 ans de mariage. Si ça passe tellement vite, ça veut dire que vous êtes heureux. 😘

Danny Provencio

He loves your help. Likes your guidance. Your probably easy to talk to.


Thank you very much, Danny. I'm like his personal Google Home. 😘


Lol... I have since learned if my man cant find anything after three times of directions, i then say " I do not know. You must have moved it yourself if its not at the location i last saw it." He then magically finds the said object at the exact location and he wears glasses so it aint his eyesight.. It must be a macho guy thing.

Tall Dorky and Handsome

I must know where everything is in the apt at all times. It is the rule of the land with us to help the BF find anything.

Eduardo Peret

In Brazil we have a saying about this: "Can't find something? I'm gonna call momma, she'll find it and brush your face with it" - that usually makes the person's eyesight become very accurate in seconds, like magic! 😉

Adam Lunter

See when I ask Mike where something is in the kitchen, I get “it’s where it belongs” in response. 😤


Hahaha... 😂😂😂🤣🤣

Amanda Lee

That's so me. I can't seem to find anything

Jim Yocom

Ha! My husband and I are arguing right now about which of us is Joe in this regard. (It's him.)