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We were invited for dinner by our friend Catherine. She's a really nice gal but the problem is her cooking. XD




Sounds like Catherine isn’t a Patreon patron, either! 😜😂

Trevor Hale

Joe's pecs sure are stretching that shirt... must be quite a sight in rl. 😁

Danny Provencio

My favorite thing to say when I don’t like something is it’s interesting. Some take it as a compliment. My friends just role on the floor laughing when I say it. Especially if someone doesn’t know me gets an interesting quote from me.

Kathryn Gynn

I love your code word! Although you could always try a code eyebrow wiggle? XD


Thank you, Kathryn. Joe usually talks a lot on the dinner table, I had to make the secret message more obvious. XD


Thank you, Danny. I think I'm gonna borrow your secret code. That's a good one. XD


Thank you, Trevor. I love playing with my babe's big pecs. XD


Sorry...got distracted by joes pecs...yes yes cooking. Bad. your cooking good! Matrix good movie. 😁


I often get distracted by his pecs as well, especially during a dragging dinner conversation when he wears a tight shirt. XD

Amanda Lee

You don't like Matrix?

Oliver Emmitt Smith

Love it!! But I agree with Amanda Lee. You don’t like Matrix??

Adam Lunter

Can I suggest something more subtle? A wink, maybe? 😉

David Proby

This reminds me the time some woman made cornbread pudding with sweet corn at my mom’s Thanksgiving potluck. Shit tasted nasty and she was white too. Like baby please leave soul food to black folk and people who can thrown down in the kitchen okay. She was sweet, but her cooking missed the mark. I said it was...interesting to her. But definitely code for “please don’t make this again”. Taking my babe to the potluck in a couple months, we’ll see how this year goes


I love Matrix. I chose Matrix to be the secret code because "The real world is destroyed and ugly". XD


Thank you, Adam. But Joe often get caught up in the conversation on the table, so I have to make it more obvious between him and me. XD


Lol, don't be so harsh on her. Maybe she tried very hard and failed epically. Hopefully this time you guys will taste some really good soul food. On a second thought, I hesitate to use "interesting" to Catherine though, I'm afraid my tone might betray me and reveal what I really want to say. XD

SĂ©bastien Godier

J'adore le t-shirt de Joe Je porte le mĂȘme Ă  la maison Bisous


J'adore cet t-shirt aussi. ça va super bien avec un corps musclé. XD Bisous