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Hello! I'm glad to tell you that work is going pretty well.

At this moment, we have several release dates:

May-June: Technical Demo

* The purpose of technical demo is to prevent most of critical bugs 

June-July: Release of 0.1 version

Also, on the image you can see comparison of two styles. We tried to keep some things from original style and improve it. By the way Frankie is much older here and working as manager now. 

Thank you for supporting! Stay safe and healthy! :)




I don't understand it at all. This game will be continuation of Camp Pinewood?


Have to say, I strongly prefer the original style. The more cartoony feel of the original art better suits the characters, since they're cartoons. Not to say that the new art looks bad, per se, and I think it'd look fine in another game. I just think the original is a better fit.


i can't wait for the first version of this game ^^


I love it


Love the art style upgrade, but selfishly I wish Frankie was still same age she was in the original.


Looking for updates looks great


how do you reset the game fully to start over with none of the progress with the different characters?


I actually dont like the new one. :|


I think most of the new art style is fine, but something about the face is a bit off.


Not a fan of the new style at all :/


I think the panty quest won't work for me


not a fan of new style one bit im afraid to say...

Jason Voorhees

I will reserve judgement at this time and give progress a chance.


I just wish there was a way to know how to unlock all the girls in the new versions.

Cornelius Frierson

Any new updates for camp pinewood coming soon.

Homnix HD

I would also like to know and see animated scenes brought back


I like cartoonish style on the left more. :(

Dartanas Blackthorn

I agree with MenasEru original Frankie is cartoon so cartoonish style is better for her.


Im torn. I like the cartoonish style because I think it totally fits the original character but I like the right as well for the games sake because it represents a great view of the games style and view.


i liked the older version of frankie


Новая рисовка божественна, ребята!


Чисто кайф)))


if you could make Frankie look like she did from the original one but with more of a more mature body than that would be cool.