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Well, Karlach is going to be hard. When I placed her in the poll, I didn't notice how complex her outfit really is. Countless straps going everywhere, lots of details all around. Luckily I can find very good references online, but I'm pretty sure the artists responsible for her didn't take just one week to make the original model, and this is the timeframe that I have. Less than it, actually, considering that I don't work on Patreon full time. 

Sooo... this is all to say that I'm worried about not being able to make this model on time, which would be really bad for my schedule. I'll see if I can simplify a few things, or see if I can streamline some elements. I feel this will be worthwhile, though. It reminds me of my Aloy model, because she had a similar complexity, and Aloy ended up being one of my greatest models at the time. But it's going to be a bit exhausting. I hope you enjoy the effort.

This time I'm starting with the nude version, because I want to leave the hardest parts for last. The hardest part, in this sense, is her chest area. As you can see here, I have her body and head ready, and tomorrow I intend to work on her arm pieces. If I could finish the leg pieces too, that would be perfect, but this may be too much. In an ideal world, I'd have her completely finished by the end of the next week, including renders and the 3D printing preparation. 

She'll be released on October 2, 2023.



Ron Barrett

Please take the extra time to make her to your satisfaction, I would much rather see her done well rather than simplified or rushed. She looks amazing so far, - I don't even know this character but the subtlety and expression on her face, the burned skin textures you already have already look great! She is obviously is complex in all her versions, take an extra month on her so you can be as proud of her as of Aloy.

Malthus Malfoy

I too would be willing to wait if you need the extra time