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These are the last updates for my Raven before I start preparing her for 3D printing. I should be able to do this next week, as I'll be away for the next four days. These new images give us a good idea of what we'll get in the final model, including the NSFW versions. 

She'll be released on October 2, 2023.

I'll be back soon!




I hope your days off are for fun and not work.

The Weezel

You know what I think is needed. 3d modeled Merkins. Just a bunch of different styles of stand alone pubic hair that could be placed on models so when printed you could get the look you like.

Torrida Minis

It will be entirely for fun :) Since I had no decent vacation in July, due to the dengue fever infection, I've been feeling a bit stressed since then, and I need to cool down a bit, even though we're just going to a beach city near here.