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I'm going to start working on the models for my September release, and the first one will be the cartoon model. I'm still using the six winners from my last cartoon poll, which means this is the month of Esmeralda, from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. 

As usual, I'd like your help to choose the best pose for her. Which one of these two do you like the most for Esmeralda? 



Agree with Didi, pose 2 is better, not only from an aesthetic perspective, but from a painting one. Poses that avoid having limbs too close to each other, or having arms in positions that make it difficult to get a paintbrush between them and the torso should be avoided. Making a model easier to assemble and paint is an important part of the design process. Also, based on the WIP pictures from a more recent post, it looks like the model will be using the same torso and thighs template as many of the previous models. One of the many amazing things about women is the way the same physical features combine in so many varying ways to create unique and beautiful forms. You might want to give that some thought for future projects.

Torrida Minis

Oh, thank you very much for the feedback! I have a really hard time choosing poses for my models, that's why I create these polls, and I usually try poses that differ greatly from one another. This poll was exceptionally reduced, though, due to time constraints, and people ended up choosing the most difficult pose. I'm actually quite happy to try new female shapes, but I admit I end up going for a certain standard in the proportions I choose. I do use a base template for the bodies I make, but it gets extremely deformed in the rough pose process, so the result you see here is much more a display of the way I want things to look like than a mere template repetition. But I really like your idea of varying my female shapes a bit more. Could you please point me out to other creators that do that in their regular work, so that I can learn more from them? The people I follow all tend to stick to a certain style and their models end up looking similar in a certain way.


I don’t think I can do that, since as you say, most creators have a distinct style that marks their work as being unique. As an example, if Jack Kirby didn’t draw in his distinct style, his art would lose the exact quality that makes it great. So I don’t think that emulating other sculptors work is the way to go, stick with your own style, which is very good. But when you are creating, please keep in mind that not all women have “ideal” 36-C breasts (or their metric equivalent), and that real breasts are subject to gravity, and sometimes aren’t even the same size. Also nipples vary greatly in size and location. And while we’re discussing physiology, the external female genitalia also varies greatly, not all of them are small, smooth creases. Perhaps being an older fellow I’m more interested in a wider variety of female shapes, and out of touch with what sells these days. Perhaps the majority of your patrons are only really interested in the “ideal” woman. Maybe you could try running a couple of polls about this, so as to get a sense of what people want, or maybe you already know, and I’m out of line here.

Torrida Minis

Oh, now I understand your point better, thank you for the clarification. Believe me, it can be boring to make the same body type over and over again, so I do try to put some variation from time to time, but like you said, I think most people are interested in ideal standards, or even a bit of exaggeration. I've been told by other creators that their models with huge breasts sell a lot better than the ones with regular proportions, for example. And since I can't fully deny the commercial nature of my creations, I feel that I must abide to popular demands to please the greater part of my supporters, even though I usually avoid too much exaggeration. But I'd love if you'd keep an eye on me, even if you stop supporting me, because I do want to include more variety in future models :)