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I'm feeling terribly sick today and I can't work much, so I couldn't finish Tasha as intended. I hope tomorrow I'll get back to normal. 

I want to use this chance to say that I intend to take a two weeks break from July 17 to July 28 to take care of some family matters. 

Because of that, the original character to be released next month is one I had worked on a few months ago, in preparation for this time off. She's called Soldier Elis, and you can see how she looks in the images.

I hope you guys like her :) 

She'll be released on August 2, 2023. 



Kalan Sandberg

Hope you feel better, and she looks awesome! I can't wait! Well, I can... But you know what I mean! :-)


Still like this is why we love ya! Get better soon. Thanks a break you’re working too hard