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And now for the Selene updates. As you can see, I've got the whole scene refined and ready.

She'll be released on May 2, 2024.




This promises to be one of the most faithful renderings of Selene yet. Great job!

Ron Barrett

Her face is spot on! The pose looks a little wonky, like it would be so uncomfortable on a stone stair. maybe a less sharp of a bend in the neck or more bend at the waist, or a bigger pillow... it just feels a little less "languid sexy lounging" and more "oh crap, I fell down the stairs!" to me... some slight shifts in the posture might be a little more natural lookimg... but maybe thats just me...

Torrida Minis

Oh, it's a pity you only commented it when the model's ready and all :( I could maybe make a few changes to her waist and head, to see if that would help with the impression you got, but now it's impossible to tweak anything, unfortunately. I appreciate the feedback, nevertheless, and I noticed I always run more risk when I opt for non-standing poses.