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Hello everyone! Sorry for the absence, life took me hostage once again (also sorry for no post this past friday, I was a little under the weather!) but I am free now! 

Now, onto the main news! I'll be working on a big project that has been running laps around my brain since the start of the year, and it involves canon furry waifus doing the horizontal tango with bean lmao. Sounds pretty basic and straightforward, but depending on how it goes and with your support, it could get more detailed/longer! There's another major thing about that which will be made into a poll right after this post, so keep your eyes open for that!

Now, onto smaller but still relevant news. Remember how I said I was thinking about opening commission tier slots? After much discussion with fellow artist friends and reviewing Patreon's ToS, sadly it would not be beneficial for anyone involved, one because the banking system I had talked about before (where you could stay subbed to a tier in case you wanted a higher tier or a more elaborate piece) goes straight against the ToS, and then there's also the fact that I'd be suffering a double fee transaction, first through patreon, then through paypal, so it would just not be worth it.

That's just from the monetary side, there's also the logistics of keeping everything organized -manually-, because it's either that or paying someone to do it for me, which defeats the purpose of doing this whole thing lmao

That leaves us with the last resort which is still in the works! I will potentially open a higher tier with access to a discord where I will potentially open said commission slots! It's not for certain though, I'm still working on it!

Thank you for your attention if you got this far! but if not, here's the TL;DR: Big comic in the works, comm tiers idea is shelved, possible future discord server in the future.



can't wait to hear more about all of this

KentaTheFolf (HobbyWriter00)

Exciting to hear, especially about a possible discord server! I will definitely seek a commission from ya!