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Pretty much what the title says! I 've been giving it a big ol' thonk for the past couple of months, where I'd offer exclusive supporter commission slots at a discount. Simply put, once a month if you subscribe to one of those tiers you can get a piece from me of your character, whether sketch, flat colored or full rendered. Could be a one time thing, or you could stay subscribed multiple months to always get something from me each month. I'm even thinking of also using it as a saving/stacking system.

Say for example you are subscribed to the sketch tier because you can't afford a full render at the moment? You could stay subscribed to it, and once enough subs have gone by and it meets the full render tier, then you can get a full render. I'm voicing it now because I've thought about it by myself long enough, and would like to know what you guys think about it! 



Great idea! Would it also be possible to save up for multiple characters in a commission? Like, stay on the full-render tier for two months and instead of getting 2 single character commissions get one with 2 characters?


Yes, this would also be possible! Same applies to the other two tiers as well