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Since I started using this site I've noticed a couple things and I'm curious, so I'd appreciate your opinion on it.

What would be a reasonable posting time for you guys? I'm asking about the period of time between pieces. And this made me think of the second question, but what is the cause and/or reason of the sub/unsub that has been happening lately? Is it because I'm not posting fast enough, or something else?



personally id like to see a upload at least once a week if its sketch or really loose wips and finished stuff maybe every week and a half to 2 weeks if possible

Jake Shandy

People subbing and unsubbing is pretty common. You’ll typically see a drop at the end of the month if your Patreon charges on the first of a new month, or just before someone is due to renew if it goes by their sub date. You can always look at exit surveys to see if people gave a reason for unsubbing — “my financial situation changed” is a common one. Otherwise it’s often people subbing to go in and download everything and bounce. No idea what a good upload schedule is. I know some people who upload multiple times a week and some who do once a month.