Game Build: Game Build v0.6.9.0 (Rescue the Human Princess!) (Patreon)
2023-06-30 23:17:31
We've added the start of the Human Princess Rework to the Build! Soon we hope to add in her new sprites, and get the rest of her story functioning through kingdom unificiation!
- The Human Princess rescue quest has been added to the game. Simply select her icon when creating a new character, and head south from the Fisher Kingdom where you start to the High Forest and check it out! This update includes:
- New dialogue and story!
- New army battles!
- Updated world map!
- And of course, a New Princess!
- A quest indicator (in the form of the classic “!” symbol) will now hover over the next most relevant map location for whichever quests are active on your quest tracker.
- The save system has been modified to support a more robust autosave system (previously if an autosave is needed it would just overwrite save slot 1) although it currently only saves at a few specific points such as at the end of the demo when entering ‘freeplay’ mode
Known Bugs
- While the effort was made to test and polish up the new dialogue’s parsing as much as possible, this build involves quite a substantial addition to the dialogue files and so a few uncommon dialogue-related bugs are to be expected, especially where dialogue branches (such as: backgrounds failing to appear or disappear, NPC ‘emote’ images not showing up properly or failing to move or scale correctly, dialogue options failing to work or having incorrect stat requirements, etc). If you encounter any bugs, as always please report any issues to the Discord server’s bug report channel and they will be addressed promptly, thank you!
- The Mirror fight in the tower is a bit ‘broken’ at the moment. Just make sure to leave the tower before the fight and save before proceeding. If hints are needed to proceed, help can be found on the Discord.
- The cleric’s ‘heal’ ability in the Seneschal battle does not aim well.