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New patch is out.  Get it while it's hot.

Towergirls 0.116

Major Changes:

A number of improvements have been made improving territories and ministers behind-the-scenes, in preperation of more playable kingdom stuff.

A Smith and Shaman shopkeep have been added to Canopy Cave's Noble Ring.  Both will have more items to sell in the future.

The Konvert Kompound has been added* (it's functional, I mean), and Kobold Princess' loyalty quest is now fully completable.  Several of the areas and text have placeholder art, and could use some fixing up, but that chunk is done.  The team will be moving onward with all the other princess' rescues (their initial dungeons), the knightly tournament, and improving kingdom functionality.

Minor Changes:

Changing unit commanders works most of the time, now.  Still needs more code to be 100% functional.

You may now level-up characters that are not in the party if they have enough experience through the character menu.

Enemy armies can now capture/raze territories.  Look forward to that in the future, when they are enabled for the other factions.

Armies now recover lost soldiers/health each turn while stationed at a territory of the same faction.

Armies can now be told to move to arbitrary points on the map or to chase other armies with the goal of attacking them.

After loading, previously set army paths now display, as was intended.

The post-siege screen now properly displays enemy units and their commanders.

Selecting enemy armies on the overmap now displays the correct enemy unit and their commander.

You can now select one army, then shift-click another, and transfer army units between the two.

An army can now be split into different army groupings.

Changed how building options are displayed/organized, behind-the-scenes.  Behind-the-scenes is the best place to be.

City happiness now fluctuates from a base number and will regenerate while not recruiting units.

Recruiting units happiness penalty has been doubled or so.

Fixed a bug that was massively penalizing building/recruitment speed- modifier was slightly off.

Correct short-descriptions for buildings now appear in the building list.

Kobold generals have had their finished sprite added.

Some of Kobold Princess' early dialogue has been edited for consistency-sake.

New dialogue has been added for when you speak to Kobold Princess or Kobold Knight far enough into the quest.

Shaved a few rooms off Glacier Keep.

Lurking now works as intended- attacking clears the buff afterward.

Mighty Blow can now apply both debuffs, rather than just one.

In battle, character panels are lowered slightly at smaller resolutions.  They should no longer overlap the boss healthbar.

Molted Hunters use the correct attack animation and shoot arrows once more.

Fixed a bug that made bought/sold items lose their appearance variant.

Kobold Princess and Kobold Knight can now tell you a bit about the Kobold Mine.  Shocking.

Robes and Armored Robes have been added to the game.

You can now exit most dungeons by returning to the first room and hitting the 'Exit Dungeon' button at the top left of the screen.

Princess love now starts at a base of 20 rather than 40.

Character disposition/love/happiness can now be viewed in character inspect.  Expect more stuff (TM) with this soon.

Fixed a bug that prevented Sneaking from working in dungeons.

Kobold Princess' Warm Ore is actually removed from the inventory when giving that to her, now.  A script wasn't working correctly.

In dungeons, having the 'Special' abilities hotbar open while starting a battle will no longer freeze the radial buttons after the battle.

Fixed a bug that made some enemy abilities with debuffs not apply the normal, full duration.

Heal-over-time abilities can no longer take character health above their maximum.

The Big Book of Stuff has been extended to include Foes - Characters.  MORE ON THAT SOON (TM).

An unlimited number of BBoS entries can now be logged (for any one category), up from 50.

Cinnematic dialogue choices can no longer appear off the screen.



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