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New version is out.  This mostly has a ton of bugfixes and crashfixes, but we'll definitely be finishing the rest of Kobold Princess' quest this month.  There's been a lot of progress on other parts of the game, which should be seen relatively soon.

Towergirls 0.114

Major Changes:

Kobold Mine has been given proper dungeon clutter.  Much of it can be reused for rock trees and Konvert areas.

Minor Changes:

Double Tap has been replaced with Blinding Shot in the Knave skill tree.

Double Tap is now an upgrade of Blinding Shot.

Fixed the new gold/silver animation sometimes leaving the player with negative silver.

Saving at a dungeon-completed screen will no longer lock up the current game.

Fixed a crash caused by shop sell/buy history when saving.

Saving when there are hint popups should no longer crash the game.

Shops will no longer charge twice with each transaction.

Dungeon containers are now functional.

Automatically picking up items on dungeon completion no longer crashes the game.

Fixed a crash caused by debuffs being removed while having the Lurking talent.

Half-Swording has been changed to -2 Damage and +20% Critical Chance.

Cone of Cold is no longer a Burning Hands upgrade.

Several talents have been added to Mage - Destruction.

Several more talents have been added to Fighting - Leadership.

Foot Drill and Sea of Calm added to the game, and are functional.

Knaves can now unlock the ranged talents in Fighting - Leadership.

Mages can now unlock the magic talents in Fighting - Leadership.

Impale has been changed to a 50/50 chance to hit and always deals double damage.  Can crit.

Insect Recruits and Insect Noble have had their placeholder sprites replaced.

Fixed an issue preventing Kobold Princess' High Forest conversation from occuring.

Fixed an issue preventing the Kobold Army from pathfinding to Canopy Cave from High Forest.

The Load UI will no longer lock up if the game is paused during dialogue.

When battling Moas, the proper background now shows up.

Cheatcodes have been changed for January.


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