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It seems that trying to get Golem Princess in this month was a bit of an unrealistic goal.  I am extremely burned out on Towergirls (again) and the 3d dungeon work and artwork is going much more slowly than I had expected.  As a result this patch mostly contains some siege unit additions (two 3d, animated monsters) and some slight balance changes, in addition to some bug fixes that have been plaguing the game for a little while.

Working on the kingdom stuff has been a little refreshing, and it seems that will probably be my best bet for not losing what little momentum there is in September.  My new goal is to focus entirely on kingdom stuff for this month- getting the army battles and their post-victory effects 100% working, getting AI army management more completed, more complex kingdom diplomacy, that sort of thing.  It was recently pointed out by Hetros that we should and could focus on this kingdom side of the game, and put the adventure and quest stuff on the backburner.  While I'm not quite sold on that, it might be a realistic tactic until the damn legal stuff is done and we publish.

There won't be any fancy images and videos this time showing the new changes, and what I'm considering doing, but I highly advise that you go into the game and use the 'testsiege' cheatcode on the overmap to test out some army battles.  It can be fun.

The enable cheats cheatcode has been changed for September, and we'll be holding a poll with FOUR additions to the splash art in a week or so.  Legal stuff might actually be close to done finally, too, so that is nice.

As always, thank you for your support.  I'd really like to have a neat Towergirls game, eventually, and you make that possible.

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Towergirls 0.538

Fixed Good Luck Pebbles and other Mana Restorative items not working via not having an ability effect

Fixed the 'increase attribute or HP/MP' arrow buttons appearing on the character inspector; no longer needed

Added Slime Recruit, Acid Spitter, and Slime Spearmen unit types to the Voluminous Maw siege unit roster

Ability projectiles can now apply buffs upon hitting an enemy

Curse of Rust's debuff now has a name and the non-deployment range has been increased to 20

Created a Grand Slime 3d model, animated it, and added that monster to Voluminous Maw siege units.  Enjoy.

Inactive and hidden siege objects should no longer linger after the completion of a siege occupying memory

Created a Colossus 3d model, animated it, and added that to Sparkling Clay siege units.  The THROW HILL ability will be coming later.

Monsters with long attack animations will now deal bonus damage to make up for the slower attacks

Player-controlled monsters are no longer forced to constantly target and attack the nearest enemy unit, oops

Monster siege units will no longer have wonky rotation during deployment

Reduced Red Dragon Princess' size in sieges by 25%; also adjusted her stats and Breath Attack (Fire) damage

Added a new instant-load-game-at-main-menu-and-open-test-siege-interface-and-populate-units-and-optionally-start-siege feature to the main menu, pretty nice

Fixed some issues with Red Dragon Princess' breath VFX

Fixed the overmap issue where if the party moved onto an arbitrary point on the overmap, the party would then be unable to move or be issued a new travel target

May have fixed a rare 'Input string was not in a correct format' error that occurred when loading in the new game dialogue

Monsterous siege units now deal 3x damage to eachother; took way too long for them to kill one another due to high melee resist

When High Forest territories are automatically Unrazed near the start of the game, the owners of those territories will now have their income refreshed- playing in test game mode should once again be possible as a result

Sparkling Clay territories have been added back to the Overmap and had their Kingdom enabled for diplomacy / AI


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