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Unfortunately there likely won't be a game patch released for the end of April.  Pretty much all that remains for engine-work is policy events, and otherwise I have heaps of bug fixes and dialogue parsing to do.  I am extremely burned out on bug fixing, and parsing old dialogue into the new format is about as fun as pulling teeth.

Knight Princess' dialogue has been partially parsed, despite this, but I've been unable to force myself to work on that this past week.  As is, Knight Princess can probably be added mid May.  If I had a single other dev member helping to parse or set up dungeons this wouldn't be an issue at all, but having to do all the monotonous tasks of every department is really tiring.

Still waiting on the legal stuff to be sorted out so we can move onto publishing, and hopefully get the income to start commissioning help.

This is a heads up so you can opt to not support at the start of May, which would be completely understandable.  Hopefully things will pick up in the near future.

PS: Splash update soon, at least.  That's something.


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