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This patch contains a working Human Princess rescue.  It's working, but not exactly prettified completely yet, and still has some known bugs that haven't been fixed yet.  Another version of the game will be released shortly with that needed layer of polish, and bug fixes, so that the re-added Human Princess rescue can be properly enjoyed.  In addition to this, there's been a slight overhaul to the dialogue parser which brings the functionality of dialogue options closer to the original GMS version, and saves us a lot of work and headache in the future.  It felt good to get that working.

Now, for the important announcement.  Towergirls: the Game has pretty much been a one-person effort for some time.  Our writers have been occupied with life, and other tasks, and this has lead to a lack of fixing dialogue or writing anything new.  Our lead artist has been busy with life troubles of his own and serious burnout.  For six weeks, or longer, I've essentially been the only person working on Towergirls: the Game.  As you can imagine, I am very, very burned out myself as a result.  Because of this we (read, I) have different plans moving forward.

After Human Princess' rescue is polished, and finished, I am going to be focusing on the kingdom management stuff.  I'll be almost entirely focused on army battles, and diplomacy, and territory improvements and buildings.  That sort of thing.  When and if I find the time, or we get more manpower, we'll poke a little at the old content and see how much can be ported over.  One day we will port over the other princess rescues from GMS, and create all the others that are planned (or not), but that isn't feasible with only me working on the game.  Hopefully you understand, but if not, that is fine.

As always thank you for your support.  This wouldn't be possible without you.

The enable cheats cheatcode has been changed for October.  Downloads will once again be an attachment to these build posts- look for the download file below the patch notes.

Towergirls 0.527

Added Power/Fortitude/Awareness/Dexterity/Awareness parameters to the Char conditional

The special {location}/{place} function has been completed and works now

Huge overhaul to dialogue options- conditions can now be appended to the end of them, to be checked, and if not all of them are passed then the dialogue option will be grayed out.  This can be combined with conditionals in FRONT of the same dialogue option to hide it entirely if those first conditionals are not all passed.  Makes wonky, custom <dialogue option|goto> functions with extra parameters obsolete.  Additionally, this allows us to regain all the dialogue option functionality from the GMS version.  Also optimized the parser to run very slightly faster than before even with all the new functionality.  Going to be very helpful going forward.

Fixed a broken dialogue goto in Kobold Princess' dialogue (what can you tell me about this place) while in Glacier Keep

Added another Scum class-based dialogue option to part of the Ratfriend quest to avoid dialogue softlocking

All old dialogue options with conditionals have been updated into the new format; more dialogue options will appear now but grayed out and unclickable when their conditions are not satisfied

Dialogue can now have backgrounds behind emotes fade in and out when appropriate

Forge Knight once again has an emote during his dialogue outside of Old Kingston

You can now modify the disposition of characters who have yet to join the party; the disposition modifier will be saved and then applied retroactively once they are added to the available characters

Added a dialogue function to set the color of background images

The QTE combo widget will no longer block some ui buttons, such as the talent category buttons in charater inspect

When a new character is instantiated and added to the party they will now correctly begin with any abilities that their parent object has

When a new character is added to the party, and has base spells or abilities, the BBOS will be updated with those if their entries have not already been unlocked

Characters can now refuse to enter ANY dungeon (even text ones) if they have some pressing task they would rather see to

Talking SFX will now play during 'refuse to enter dungeon' conversations

Fixed the Disposition tooltip in charater inspect displaying an incorrect Disposition amount for non-princess characters

Magic Merchant is back for all your non-Old-Kingston magic needs!

Fixed an issue with the Gift Merchant and Grumpy Salesmaiden dialogues that would eventually cause issues after exiting their dialogue

Rich text tags like [b] and [i] should now be instantly moved past during the dialogue animation, preventing the text from looking janky while it's only partially displayed

Behavior for Enchanted Tower's Shadow Knight has been readded and spiffed up some

Encounters can now modify or set a particular flag on victory

Ale Knight and Wine Knight now leave the starting tavern after the player first departs Old Kingston

Consumables will now correctly heal the player completely if their health had a fraction while near maximum health

When battle or similar starts, any existing BBOS entries will no longer have their text hidden but their popup frame remain for the remainder of their animation

Dungeon Doorways can now be set to locked and require a Small Key in order to unlock and bypass them

When overwriting the Bless buff with a Greater Bless buff, displayed character buffs on the mini panels will now refresh correctly

When enemies use a debuff ability on a player character any stat modifications will take place right away

Fixed an issue where Ser wouldn't be set to be fully created and reprompt character creation when loading a save game

May have fixed an issue where occasionally when entering a dungeon the Fisher Kingdom hub would also be spawned and bork the game

Instances of [his/her] in dialogue are now correctly replaced

Some overmap encounters that require the party to be inside a territory will occur right away when stopping, as opposed to requiring another ended overmap turn

Entries in the Quest Tracker no longer overlap hideously

Added narration text to Forge Knight making items from fetish stones

Added a dialogue function to randomize the order of dialogue choices

Line breaks can now be added to dialogue via the # character

Added a new dialogue function for incrimenting enemy BBOS entries

NPC facing dialogue function can now be set to 'ser' instead of left or right

Fixed a minor issue with NPC sprites failing to completely fade in or out

Human Princess' rescue has been added back into the game in a not-quite finished state



Feel free to take a break. I don't want yo sound condensending, but I don't except to play the game for a couple of years. These things take time and burning out will help no one, we your patrons understand the stress in these tryimg times