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Fisher Farms is the capital of ancient humanity. It was from here that Human King set out to create a continent spanning empire that would change the world. This is a place of the old ways, one tied to its ruler by unbreakable bonds. Without one it rots, but to be lead by an unfit ruler would be the death of its people.  For this reason Fisher Farms languishes in absence of someone capable of wearing the crown and forging a new future.

The peasants eke out an existence, its nobles tax and administrate, and vices consume the peasantry and merchant classes.  Old treaties are strained as man and beast overstep their bounds. Even were their princess and her retinue not wiling away the hours in a watery dungeon, things would still continue at this pace. A slow, festering decline to an ignominious end.

Even so, touring knights still visit and her few remaining lords and ladies hope for a knight who can bear the burden of rulership. 




...okay, I probably should've said this earlier, but I'm curious- do you intend to make any more charts? I know you're most likely preoccupied launching the actual game, but I do hope to see more... eventually.


Hey, we are definitely planning to. Gats is swamped with other work and even with our help ideas have ran pretty thin. There's about ten more princesses remaining for generation 5 and then a few bonus charts after.


Okay. Thanks for the clarification. Please let Gats know I seriously appreciate all that he/she is doing for this game. Bit of a super-fan for this series, actually.


Same here, I joined mostly because ot the charts as I love the lore and don't have a decent PC to play... yet