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Special shoutout to the new dev on our team, Jalter-chan.  This marks the first time we've actually had a dedicated tester intentionally breaking our game and providing thorough bug reports.

This version doesn't mark the addition of any more Kobold Princess content, but it does have a whole heap of bug fixes, improvements, and talents being readded into the game.  In addition to those we've decided to change up how talents are selected when Ser levels up.  Previously, Fighter Ser Knights could only select all the Figher Talents, all of Chivalry, all of Murderhobo, and then the off talents of the other classes (Finesse for Knaves, Creation for Mages).  Similar for the other two classes.  We've decided to do away with this- Ser can now select any talent from any class tree as you like.  To differentiate the classes we've instead added moderately big passive bonuses for whichever class you end up choosing.

Fighter: -10 MP, +10% Accuracy, +5% Avoid

Knave: -5 HP, -5 MP, +10% Crit Chance, +5% Avoid, +4 Initiative, +50 silver

Mage: -5 HP, +5 MP, Passive Mana Regen (0.062 MP a second while moving and 0.5 MP a turn)

This release should be considerably more stable, but be sure to let us know if you encounter any bugs or weirdness while you play.  More content soon to come.  Also the enable cheats cheatcode has been changed.


The asset controller script is now almost fully automated, which means that BBOS entries are likewise almost fully automated.  Yay.

Added a cheatcode for disabling/enabling NPC's in the current room

Added a cheatcode for teleporting into dungeons

Added a cheatcode for saving to a specific game slot

Fixed some shenanigans with the save controller; the list of save games is now generated quicker and in proper ascending order

Kobold Mine now has a new audio track, courtesy of Unyin

Save games now display which slot number they are

Half-Swording no longer additively increases Critical Hit Chance with each toggle on and off

Buff tooltips should no longer linger on the screen when highlighting over an enemy buff while combat ends

A number of abilities that were marked as having Stamina costs should now disregard that and use Action Points instead, as intended

Kobold Councilor should no longer refer to the player as char0

The siege in Glacier Fields can be started once again, oops

Ser will no longer appear to be holding a shield when there is no shield equipped

You can no longer click on characters and start dialogue through the shop interface

You can no longer click on characters and start dialogue through the UPGRADE interface

The mouse cursor's click point is no longer slightly offset from where it should be

The exit dungeon button no longer appears during dialogue or within the hub

Add more code; run the check function at dialogue start and end

Viewing the game credits on a non-wide screen monitor now looks hideous but will no longer softlock the game

The south/down door within the starting tavern has been repositioned slightly

Dialogue options may no longer be selected with the number keys while the game is paused

Shop dialogue should now correctly replace char|0|name with the player's name

Ser may now select any talents from any class when leveling up

Base accuracy has been reduced from 95% to 90%

The starting class chosen for Ser now has passive effects-

-Fighters have -10 MP, +10% Accuracy, and +5% Avoid

-Knaves have -5 HP, -5 MP, +10% Crit Chance, +5% Avoid, +4 Initiative, and +50 silver

-Mages have -5 HP, +5 MP, and Mana Regen (0.062 MP a second while moving and 0.5 MP a turn)

Really old save games will now automatically have the BBOS enabled if they are sufficiently far along

Removed a particular keyboard shortcut that was used to test dialogue

Fixed a dead end in the Chloelle quest caused by agreeing with the thief and then speaking with the Chloelle Priest

Pressing Escape to exit out of the Inventory will now hide any tooltips that were open

Mojo bag turnly effectiveness has been reduced by half, though they now work passively in the dungeon while Ser is moving

Water Sprites now heal for 1d3 (down from 2d2) and strike for 1D5+1 (down from 1D6+1)

Food that is supposed to recover MP instead of HP works as intended

Food now restores the correct amount of HP or MP

Partially transparent Action Points now become fully opaque and remain that way once a battle starts

Fire Wall works once again; added in 'hazards' in battles that can linger, doing damage each turn and showing a particle effect

All magic buffs with a scaling duration now have +2 turns to their base duration

Several spells that heal or grant buffs are now useable outside of battle in the dungeon

Fire Wall, Fire Shield, Freezing Shackles, Nimbus, Nova, Gas Cloud, Summon Water Sprite, Summon Armor and Wall of Flesh talents have been readded

All characters will not recover AP on their first turn of the battle, as opposed to just the very first party member, as was intended

Preemptive Strike has been replaced with Split Shield

Shut Down, Bull Rush, Rend, Split Asunder, Cometh Knaves, and Thy Mother Was A... talents have been readded

Intecept now works correctly and has a different defense graphic from the normal one

Siege time multiplier has been reduced back to 1x, from the formerly testing value of 10x

Priority Target now works in sieges

Siege buff durations are now based on seconds rather than turns

Siege abilities can now have a maximum range and display the range/radius when hovered

Skyward Shields now works in sieges, and should also work in battles

Barrage!, Bring It Down!, Foot Drill, and Sea of Calm now work in sieges

Opportunism now boosts silver dropped from enemies, as was intended, but also now grants +3% Crit Chance

Blinding Shot now applies a debuff, as was intended

Press the Attack now works

Blank buff tooltips will now display nothing instead of placeholder text

Counterattack once again works in battles

Hold the Line! has been added

Restored Glacier Field's skybox

Added some fog to the first room in Glacier Fields, the camp, to hide the room transition slightly better

I added a six second timer to battle turns before skipping to the next actor :DDDDD

Large stacks of consumables can once again be used several times in quick succession in the dungeon



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