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At the mouth to the Orphans there lays a cursed island.  It is said that as the Eldest Isles hold the gateway to dreams, so does the desolate Orphans hold the gateway to nightmares.  Ships stay close to the craggy, impassible cliffs of the great peninsula. Few dare passage out to the further isles (if they ply the trade winds of that region at all.)  Goblin ships (the only ones made enough to make regular runs into the high seas of this region) all have the same story to tell.  There is an Island where the currents all pull towards and an unwary captain might find their ship pulled in.  Once trapped within these flows they find it all but impossible to escape.  Turn as they might, they always end up returning to the island, regardless of the heading they might take.  It is as if the world was tied in a great, tangled knot that all leads back to that darkness enshrouded coast.  The few that return speak of the missing sun and lack of moon, that the Nightward gives no protection on those shores.  That one may never sleep, or perhaps is always sleeping, while there.  The only illumination, the only way to count the days or the passage of time while there, is the tall baleful flame lit at the crest of the great tower sitting at the center of the island. 



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