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I have returned from a furry con rejuvenated and ready to work! After finishing Tap Out back in October, I spent November taking a break from projects and working on more indulgent stuff. Hence why you've seen that big bunny stomping around. Ruth kinda appeared out of nowhere, a product of my need to make a completely unhinged horny character. So expect to see her a lot. I have no big projects planned yet, but we'll see what happens in the future

ANYWAY, It's December now and as usual, I haven't really planned anything special for Christmas. I'll probably make some festive pics, but this year I'm going to be focusing on more Dandy Development. I've been doing a bit of writing and started drafting up some new worldbuilding stuff. Can't wait to share it! 

On top of that, I want to get started on new chapters. This year I told myself that I wanted to be more consistent with my chapter output, but with all of the life stuff that happened, it sorta threw a wrench in my plans. I hope to change that in 2023. 

I also have a few Stacyverse comics I want to make in the future as well. Abigail will make a return~! 



Keep up the amazing work! Remember to set a pace that works for you - the art doesn't make itself! ❤️