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Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates these past few weeks. Between traveling, having a dying tablet, and now getting sit. I've been having a very hard time working at the pace that I want. 

I'm a little frustrated to say the least. It's like the universe is throwing inconvenience after inconvenience at me to keep me from drawing.

I'm resting for now. I'm going to be rusty as fuck and I'm a little frustrated with this new tablet...



Oh man sorry, take as much time as you need


Dang that sucks I feel ya the first time I got Covid had the worst head spin and felt like my body was on fire


Hope you feel better soon!


Hope you get better soon man, it’s always good to take a break


Dang, sorry to hear dude. Rest well and take your time to recover.

Erotica Fox

Sorry to hear that, man! I hope you feel better soon!


It's all good 👍 remember to eat, I just recently caught the new variant 2 weeks ago and was out of it for 3-4 days and didn't eat just drank water, I thought me feeling nauseous when I got up to eat was the COVID but turned out it was from LACK of food


Oh, so sorry about that. Covid definitely sucks! I hope you are well. Don't worry and have a good rest! Get well soon!

Oscar Cruz

Lime and honey helps a bit, just focus on recovery


Yes, you know, I also sometimes observe such a tendency, when the universe creates inconvenience after inconvenience, one after another, it happens as luck would have it, the law of meanness, sometimes it's just annoying ... Get well soon!


Focus on rest, recovery and relaxing. Coming back fresh can do wonders!


Feel better and get lots of rest.