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This is not much of an update, but I just want to take a moment to thank everyone who's been supporting me! I don't know when this happened, but my pledge count seemed to spike in the past month! I'd like to welcome everyone to my blanket realm, and I hope you enjoy the content that I have here! Thanks to you guys I can work on the passion projects that I've always wanted to work on and hopefully you guys will enjoy them when they come out. 

I'm currently fleshing out the dialogue for my next comic and on the side I am working on an Animal Crossing animation! No date on it yet as it is more of a personal project, but I will be sure to update your guys as bits and pieces get finished! 



your more than welcome take your time and keep up the amazing work you do we are here for you. your success brings a smile to my face


You're welcome, and I think we should thank you for all your work too ^^


^^ keep it up