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Hey guys! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! With the holiday season coming in hot, I thought I'd make an extensive update! 


I'm a couple weeks away from finishing my first half of my final year. Which means afterwards I'll have all the Holiday season to work on my squishy projects! And I'll tell you more in just a bit. For the next couple of weeks I'm going to hold off on streams. My laptop seems to be clinging on to life by a thread and it's made productivity on the squishy side a little harder. I'd have to do everything offline. 

But there's good news!

My good PC, custom built and able to play triple-A games at high graphics settings, is at my school being used for my school projects (No I will not be sharing my projects here). Once the semester ends, I'll be taking it home and I'll be able to work on all of the squishy content I want, and my stream experience will improve tenfold! Through the holidays (starting around the 8th), I'll be dedicating the next couple months to 2 major comics! 


The first one you already know, chapter 4 of The Dandy Demon, I haven't been able to get as many pages done due to all of the final deadlines coming close, so I'm taking it easy. I'll be working on it full time while I have all the time to myself. It's gonna be a little more plot driven, but there will be a bit of action towards the end I promise! It'll be available to read for free on my website once it's all done.

The second comic I have in the works is my next premium comic, the second installment of Stacy & Co. featuring the jolly sister of Abigail. I plan to have that one fully colored and packed with lewdness! 

I don't know if I'll necessarily have either of these done by Christmas. my main goal is before the year ends, the latest being before I start a school late January. I don't really have any Christmas projects planned aside from festive drawings like the one you see above. 


with the year wrapping up I just want to thank you all for your support! Whether you pledged, bought my comics, or simply followed my work, I appreciate all of the love! It's been a rough few weeks, but I can always come home knowing that i can work on the stuff that I'm really passionate about! Here's to a great end to the best year ever! 



We all love you and want to have your babies. Looking forward to your new stuff!