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Hey guys. I'm currently swimming in a sea of school work, but I'm having an easy time staying afloat which is nice. I've gotten 2 more pages of dandy demons finished and I'll post them at some point this week. Comics aside, I do want to think about pieces involving my characters and I was wandering what you guys would like to see more of. I may do a poll of sorts to decide. (Also don't tell anyone but I'm reeeeaally tempted to make a new character that's more of a cum dump type. >.>)


Trystan MadWolf

More of a cum dump? thats gonna be kinda hard to do considering hehe, but honestly I think I would like to see you draw some more of the mom and daughter posing nude of course. I'm glad school work isnt giving you a big hassle and *knocks on wood* I hope the rest of the week doesnt give you a crap load to worry about either XD Stay awesome!


Thank you! Despite Silvia and Sue being thirsty sluts, I still try to give them some dignity, and more of a dominant personality. But what I mean is just straight up depraved if that makes sense. :)


I would really dig some more Caesar fucking girls silly, I just love the little guy. Also good luck on all your school stuff.


I also would like to see more of Caesar fucking

Pervertido Kenshin

I'd like more of that oc you made, the perv girl that photograph caesar's mom (forgot names, im bad at them) and yesh! Make new oc, slime girl would work .w./)


i would love to see a new OC from you as far as what to do maybe do more mini comics like the one with silvia sucking dick early only do like beach ones or stuff like that


or maybe some images of them ding life things but lewdly


Mo' Hayley (that's the stalker girl, ye?)


Anything wholesome. I demand more handholding and blushing.


Your secret is safe

N1ght Fre4k

Slice of life small comic panels, but how each of your characters react to either the same or different situations.


Character hobbies, or how they seek out sex.


Your OCs are amazing. I was wondering if you could make comic panels of Octavia having fun with huge guys at the school she works in.


Caesar or really any big dong-wielding characters plowing some real big boobs/nipples to completion. Your art would make that scene pretty damn awesome


New characters are always nice. Especially if you have some ideas already.


Do what you can and the new character seems really cool. Good look with school.