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First of all this month’s going to be a little crazy. I’m about to go out of town very soon and there’s a chance that I’ll get less work done. So if I’m quiet here for a while you’ll know why.

As for my patreon, I’m starting to realize how far it’s gotten and with what I have planned and the work I’ve given myself, I’m going to change somethings around. SUPER SQUISHY PATRONS I’M SORRY IN ADVANCED. But I’ll no longer doing requests. I’ve decided to change my format to a more raffle and votingfocused.

Other rewards will remain the same, I’ll still be exclusive Dandy Demons content, more voting, and more raffles. despite these changes I hope you all can stick around for the ride!

This month will be the last month for super squishy requests so send me your requests!


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