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Hey everyone! With this big ass comic now done and my head clear, I can finally sit back and think about what the hell just happened.

At the start of Caffeine Rush 2, this was meant to be a much smaller project, a "side quest" before I dove into the thick of Bun Bash, I didn't want this comic to take 3 and half months, but the idea was just so fun that the story ended up snowballing into a bed-breaking fuck fest. That isn't to say I regretted it taking as long as it did; I had a great time working on it, but lately I'm starting to notice that my stories are getting longer and longer. Tap Out was 59 pages, Bun Bash CH3 had to be cut into 2 chapters, and Caffeine Rush 2 was a whole 72 pages.


Pacing myself! I try not to bite off more than I can chew! Since I have the luxury of not having to meet the deadlines of big comic publishers I am free to work at a reasonable pace and rest when I need to. It really helps in preventing burn out! After nearly 10 years of doing this, I'm happy to have found a good pace to do this in the long run. That said there are way too many ideas I want to get out and I don't want to have to spend 3+ months just to finish one. It's like in an effort to make a "short film" I end up making a feature-length movie lol.

That said I hope you enjoyed it! In true Stacyverse fashion, things went a bit off the rails. Self-indulgence has always been the core theme of this series. Despite the nature of my art, it's actually very rare that I am aroused by my own stuff. So to challenge my own libido, I try to make Stacy & Co. stories so goddamn horny that it even leaves me sprung while making it. Which is why these projects have held my attention for so long. It's hard to burn out on something you're horny about lol. 


Obviously, I'm going to rest for a little bit, though knowing me I'm still going to be doodling and working on new ideas. Bun Bash has been on my mind for the past few months even while working on CR2. When I wasn't drawing pages for the comic, I was in my living room writing, and plotting out the future for this next big project. So far, I am 4 chapters into this series. I didn't exactly know where to go with this story, so my main goal was to introduce the characters and show a small glimpse of what the world of Bun Bash is like. But as of now, I have a proper roadmap for this story and I'm super fucking excited to get started! 

I plan to do some proper production art and maybe share a little bit of worldbuilding as I go, though I'll save the juicy details for when the story continues! There will be a lot more Ruth in the foreseeable future~

All in all, thank you so much for all of your support. All of this was made possible by you guys! I'm pumped to share more with you all!



CR2 got me to sub but I've been following Bun Rush for a SECOND. Cannot wait to see what comes next, these stories have just made me want to get back into writing


Deserve that rest. So much bun bash hype building up, the dynamic duo ruth and stig awaits!