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Somewhat normal week here, but this weekend/next week, not so much. For my birthday, I'm heading to Chicago for G-Fest, the largest Godzilla convention in the Americas. It's my first time going, not to mention my first out of state mini-vacation... ever.

Today (Tues) and Thursday I'll have reviews going up. I'll have exclusive screens on Wednesday too. After that, I likely won't have anything new until late next week. Thursday the 20th, if I had a guess. After that, everything should return to normal schedules.

I'll get some pics to post from G-Fest, and I have something VERY cool/different in the works to go live before I leave, but I'll keep that a surprise. Of course, you all get first dibs, and some extra material.

Thanks as always for the support! Much as I'm looking forward to Chicago, I'm also looking forward to having a normal week again too. It's been a bit hectic lately!


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